Amber Kovach
English Teacher
- Montana State University-Billings; Boise State University
- Bachelor of Science Degree - Liberal Studies; Bachelor of Arts Degree- English (Writing Emphasis); Master of Arts Degree- English (Literature emphasis)
- (480) 222-0811
- akovach@santancs.com
English Teacher
- Montana State University-Billings; Boise State University
- Bachelor of Science Degree - Liberal Studies; Bachelor of Arts Degree- English (Writing Emphasis); Master of Arts Degree- English (Literature emphasis)
- (480) 222-0811
- akovach@santancs.com
My Bio
Hello! My name is Amber Kovach and this will be my fifth year of teaching English at STCS and my first year teaching all Scholars Prep, Honors and AP students. I'm excited for this adventure!
My son, Connor, is 14 and headed to high school, and my daughter, Chloe, 13, is headed into 8th grade.
I grew up in Havre, Montana- a small town located just a few hours south of the Canadian border. It was cold…all the time. After graduating high school, I moved to Billings, Montana where I attended Montana State University and earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Liberal Studies. Somewhere in the middle of all that I met and married my then husband and had our first kiddo. After graduating, I became a stay at home mom and 18 months later we had our second child. Being a mom is great, but I was never meant to stay at home. I knew I wanted to be in a classroom teaching and began looking at options at Montana State. Changes happened to our family during the recession so we took a gamble and moved to Idaho.
One year later I was enrolled at Boise State University with hopes of becoming an English teacher. Life flew by after that. I earned my second Bachelor’s Degree in English-Writing and continued to earn my Master’s Degree in English-Literature. I stayed on at Boise State and taught First Year Writing in their English Department as an Adjunct Instructor. We wanted and needed something more permanent. I was tired of the cold and ready for a change, so I began looking for jobs in Arizona. It wasn’t long after that I was offered a full-time teaching position at Grand Canyon University in their online English Department. After a year and finally settled I realized I missed the liveliness of the classroom so I began my search for something more fitting. San Tan soon became the answer. It feels amazing to be back in the classroom.
Outside the classroom I enjoy reading, paddle boarding, hiking, biking, playing video games, baking and walking my dog. I am not a person who sits still, so I try to keep my family on their toes and active.
San Tan is known for its rigor and excellence and I look forward to implementing that in my classroom this year. If students are not reading and writing on a daily basis then I am not doing my job. This High School is so amazing and has such great potential; I am eager to be a part of this family and helping us grow and be successful.
Birthday: September 7th
These are A Few Of My Favorite Things….
Color(s): Purple and Turquoise
Flower(s): Daisy, Sunflowers, Wildflowers
Healthy Snack(s): Fruit, Cheese, Popcorners (Sea Salt)
“Junk Food” Treat(s): Starbursts, Sour Patch Kids (the blue ones)
Drink(s): Iced Chai w/Vanilla Sweet Cream Foam
Scent(s)/Essential Oil(s): Lavender and Peppermint
Game(s): Football, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Soccer....I guess most of them really.
Sit-Down Restaurant(s): Any Pizza joint, Picazzo’s Italian, SunnySide Breakfast Lounge
Fast Food Restaurant(s): Venezia's
Place(s) to Receive a Gift Card: Target, Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, and Amazon
Most used school/office supply: Paper Flair Pens, and Sharpies
What I would really like is: More books for my in-class library
Heroes: Scooby-Doo, Mother Nature, and, of course, my mom
Hobbies: Reading, Playing with my dog, Painting, Paddle boarding, and Gardening