Tauscher Times 9.19.23

 In Branding

Hello Power Campus!

Welcome to the final week before Fall Break!

Reminder that Wendesday – Friday this week we are on half-day schedules. Wednesday and Friday will be a “B” Day schedule (periods 4-7) and Thursday will be our “A” Day Schedule (periods 1-3). Reminder that the school ends on half-days at 11:24am!

Also, please note that if students are not involved in San Tan Charter afterschool activities, that students are not allowed to be on campus unsupervised after school. We ask that students be picked up or otherwise off campus by 3:45pm on regular school days and 11:45am during our half-day schedules, if not participating in activities or on campus to watch sporting events.

1st Quarter grades post this week. REMINDER to families – quarter grades at San Tan Charter serve as a “progress report” and will not post to official transcripts. Think of it as a “running” first semester grade. What will post to official transcripts is what students have at the end of 1st semester—December 15.

Although fall break is the next two weeks, we still have a full schedule of fall sports over break. (See our school calendar for specific dates and times). Fall sports this year at STCS has a combined 37-13 record. Leading the charge is our junior high baseball team (8-1) currently ranked #2 in the state while varsity football team is 3-1. The swimmers continue to make positive strides while junior high volleyball has a combined record 10-5 with team 1 ranked #7, and high school volleyball (freshmen/sophomore, JV, and varsity) has a combined record of 16-6. Come on out an jump on the bandwagen for our fall sports this season.

After fall break, it’s Homecoming! This year’s theme is “Wild, Wild West” and all spirit days and the homecoming dance will be country and western themed. At the Homecoming football game, Chef Ramos and the culinary club have some western treats for us, serving up braised ribs, smoked chicken, pulled pork & chicken, potato salad, slaw, baked beans, seasoned corn and corn bread. YEE-HAW!

We will host a homecoming dance “Country Thunder” for both junior high and high school students on Saturday, Oct. 14. The cost of homecoming dance tickets includes a full BBQ dinner from a local food truck. If your student is looking to bring a guest who does not attend San Tan, have them pick up a guest form from the front desk. All guest forms must be completed in full and turned into the STCS front office by Friday, Oct. 13. No guests will be allowed at our dance without this signed and completed form.

Purchase Homecoming Dance tickets: https://yqysjrrxph.formstack.com/forms/homecoming_2023

Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences

This Thursday and Friday are parent-teacher conferences. Conferences are organized in 90-minute blocks with the average conference time lasting 10 minutes. Please select the time block that is most convenient for your family and select the teachers you would like to conference with before selecting “submit”.

Families will meet in the student union during their scheduled time block and wait for their teacher(s) to come and meet them for their appointment. This format allows families to move through all conferences with the least amount of wait time.

When:   September 21 & 22

RSVP:    https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C44ACA62D6-fall1

Parent-Teacher Conference Food Donations

San Tan Charter school will be hosting conferences on September 21st and 22nd. We would greatly appreciate any donations for our staff dinner on Thursday September 21st

Please sign up for your donations using this link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409084AA5A62AA0F85-fall


Fall Sports Photos – Wednesday, Sept. 20

Fall sports picture day is TOMORROW!

Outside Pictures:

JH Baseball- 12PM (On the baseball field)

Tackle Football- 1PM (On the football field)

Cheer- 1:30PM (On the football field)

Inside Pictures:

Varsity Volleyball- 12PM (In the main gym)

JV Volleyball- 12:30PM (In the main gym)

FR/SO- 1PM (In the main gym)

JH Volleyball Team 1- 1:30PM (In the main gym)

JH Volleyball Team 2- 2PM (In the main gym)

JH Volleyball Academy Team- 2:30PM (In the main gym)

Peter Piper Pizza Night

Friday from 4-8pm, join us at Peter Piper Pizza on Baseline and Ellsworth. 20% of the proceeds go to the San Tan Charter School Gifted Community!

Yearbook Sales

Don’t forget to order the school Yearbook, which is now on sale! The theme this year is “Highlight Reel” and with Jostens as our Yearbook partner, we will feature a premium hardcover and fresh design. Click on the link below to purchase yours today!


Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Looking to keep up with your student’s attendance, grades, are more? Make sure to sign up to Infinite Campus Parent Portal by clicking here.

Student Academic Expectations and Accountability

Everything related to school policy can be found in our student handbook. Please take the time to go over the handbook with your students. The handbook also includes our dress code policy.

Looking to work at San Tan?

San Tan Charter is looking to hire substitute, or Guest Teachers. Call 480-222-0811 for more information and to apply.



School technology is limited to the use of Chromebooks. If your student is using a device that has not been approved, it may lead to invalidated work and our inability to protect your child from secured browsing. Please make sure that you have secured the proper device for our 1:1 technology policy on campus.

San Tan Charter utilizes student laptops to access curriculum for many of the classes at the Power Campus. Please be reminded there is a $250 annual lease for a school device and a $50 annual fee for registering a personal device.  If families choose to bring their own device, please be sure your Chromebook is compatible with the network by using the Approved Technology List and please be mindful that all student owned Chromebooks will need to be secured on our Google Enterprise for Education. 

Approved Chromebook List  https://edu.google.com/intl/ALL_us/chromebooks/find-a-chromebook/

Technology Payments (for personal and tech rentals) – https://yqysjrrxph.formstack.com/forms/enrollment_fees_2023_24

Technology Agreement Form – All Students must complete the technology agreement form yearly: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tBXepw0WkWlSazS8suUaZTNea1LFCpTY/view

School Calendar

Visit the San Tan Charter School Calendar – https://santancharterschool.com/calendar/

Helpful Links

Become an Athletic Sponsor- Click Here to Donate 

Make Online Payment

Order Lunch 

Arizona Tax Credit Form

Social Media Links

Facebook- San Tan Charter School Family Connection

Facebook-PreK-6 Recker Campus

Facebook-7-12 Power Campus

Calendar of Events

Sept. 20-22          Half Day Schedules: “B” Day, “A” Day, “B” Day

Sept. 20                Fall Sports Pictures

Sept. 21                PEACE DAY

                                Home Game:      JH Baseball, 4:30pm

                                Home Game:      Fr./So. Volleyball, 4:00pm

                                                                JV Volleyball, 5:00pm

                                                                Varsity Volleyball, 6:00pm

Sept. 22                Peter Piper Pizza Night

Sept. 25-Oct. 6 FALL BREAK (no school)

Sept. 25                Home Game:     JH Baseball, 4:30pm

Sept. 26                Home Game:     JH Volleyball, Team 1, 4:30pm

Sept. 27                Home Game       JV Volleyball, 5:00pm

                                                                Varsity Volleyball, 6:00pm

Sept. 28                Home Game:     JH Volleyball, Team 2, 5:30pm

Sept. 29                Home Game:     Varsity Football, 7:00pm