Hello Power Campus! Welcome to the last week of the 2021-22 school year! As we prepare for move-up acknowledgements and graduation celebrations, I want to thank the families and students and [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to the last week of the 2021-22 school year! As we prepare for move-up acknowledgements and graduation celebrations, I want to thank the families and students and [...]
Hello Power Campus! Let me start by thanking everyone who supported our effort to meet our school-wide MAP testing goal. To start this school year, we set a goal to help our students regain [...]
Hello Power Campus! You heard me say it all last year and the now the East Valley agrees! San Tan Charter School has been named “Best School” in the East Valley by BeLocal. Our school receives [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to Teacher Appreciation Week and the final week of MAP testing. Thank you for the students’ effort and parents’ support to help reach our school-wide goal. Remember [...]
Hello Power Campus! Wow, the time is starting to flying by—now that state testing has concluded and we move into May, we begin our final preparations for the end of the school year. We have many [...]
Hello Power Campus! I hope you had a great Easter break – here we are on the home stretch to the 2021-22 campaign. Attached to this email you will find summer program opportunities. Don’t [...]
Hello Power Campus! We have finished state testing and are now working on make-up testing for those who missed their sessions. As we move into the four-day weekend, with Good Friday off from [...]
Hello Power Campus! I hope everyone is having a good week. We are well into fourth quarter and state testing is underway. The kids are working hard, having just finished the ACT test yesterday [...]
Hello Power Campus! Welcome to 4th quarter—state testing season is officially upon us! Now is a great time to focus our intentions on helping our students give their best efforts. Arizona made [...]