High School Core Courses

As a College and Career ready school, San Tan Charter School is dedicated to academic excellence. We believe that academic excellence is more than just achieving good grades, it’s about maximizing a student’s intellectual development through a strong course of study and vast opportunities to participate in Honors, Advanced Placement™, Dual Enrollment, and other enrichment programs.
Review our Core Courses below and visit our Elective Courses to learn more about how San Tan Charter School supports our student’s college, career, and creative interests.
Language Arts
English I
This course will integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening and language skills using a thematic based approach. All students are taught strategies to effectively read both fiction and nonfiction and respond through varied writing activities.
English I Honors
This course will integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening and language skills. Advanced writing skills and reading strategies will be emphasized through the use of higher level curriculum, including formal writing workshops and independent reading of multiple literary genres. Note: This is a weighted course.
English II
This course will emphasize narrative, expository, and functional writing. In addition, students are introduced to the persuasive essay. Students will be expected to complete assignments in speaking/listening and viewing/presenting.
English II Honors
This course will develop the essay and language skills required for entry into advanced placement programs in English. World literature will be used as the basis for the reading and writing activities. Composition skills will be emphasized. Note: This is a weighted course.
English III
This course will emphasize poetry, short and long fiction, nonfiction and dramas from American Literature. In writing, students will master essay structure in narrative, expository, persuasive, research, and functional writing. Students will be expected to complete assignments in speaking/listening and viewing/presenting.
English IV
Students will focus on the critical analysis and evaluation of literature including fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry. In writing, students will master creative, persuasive, narrative, expository and functional writing models and study corresponding vocabulary. Students will complete a research project. Students will be expected to complete assignments in speaking/listening and viewing/presenting.
English – Language and Composition AP/Dual Enrollment
The course is designed to help students become skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts and to become skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience
expectations, and subjects as well as the way generic conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. This course is designed to prepare students to successfully complete the Advanced Placement Exam. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam fees
English – AP English Literature
AP English Literature and Composition is an introductory college-level literary analysis course. Students cultivate their understanding of literature through reading and analyzing texts as they explore concepts like character, setting, structure, perspective, figurative language, and literary analysis in the context of literary works. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam fees
Algebra I
Students will focus on a study of sets of real numbers, solution of first and second-degree equations, graphing on the coordinate plane, applications of algebra to data analysis and probability, patterns and functions and their applications, measurement and discrete mathematics, and basic mathematical structures.
Algebra I Honors
This course will extend algebraic and geometric concepts and apply these to an in-depth study of polynomial, radical, rational, exponential with real exponents, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, as well as piecewise defined functions. Students will continue to develop fluency in writing, comparing, solving (including complex solutions), and interpreting problems represented by the above function families as well as explore the effects of transformations on their graphs. Students will examine data on
two quantitative variables to choose functions and make conclusions in context of the data. Note: This is a weighted course.
Algebra II
Students will study solution techniques for polynomial equations, properties of functions, logarithms and exponents, coordinate geometry, complex numbers, elementary conic sections, matrices, arithmetic and geometric sequences, and an introduction of trigonometry and its applications. Technology will play a part in this course, especially the use of hand-held graphing calculators.
Algebra II Honors
This course will extend algebraic and geometric concepts and apply these to an in-depth study of polynomial, radical, rational, exponential with real exponents, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, as well as piecewise defined functions. Students will continue to develop fluency in writing, comparing, solving (including complex solutions), and interpreting problems represented by the above function families as well as explore the effects of transformations on their graphs. Students will examine data on two quantitative variables to choose functions and make conclusions in the context of the data. Note: This is a weighted course.
Students will study formal geometric proofs, polygons, circles, coordinate geometry, solution of right triangle trigonometry problems, Euclidean transformations, and mathematical structure and logic.
Geometry Honors
The course will conduct an in-depth study of congruence, similarity, trigonometry, circles, expressing geometric properties with equations, coordinate geometry, geometric measurement and dimension, and
conditional probability with an emphasis on real-world modeling contexts. Concepts will be developed through investigation of rigid and non-rigid transformations, constructions and proof. Note: This is a weighted course.
Personal Finance
This course will explore the principles and practices of personal and family financial planning, including savings, budgeting, credit, buying versus renting, and general principles of consumerism.
Pre-Calculus (Dual Enrollment Available)
Students will study topics such as angle measure, relations and graphs of trigonometric functions, coordinate and polar trigonometry, reduction formulae, fundamental triangle solutions and solutions of trigonometric equations, complex numbers, DeMoivres theorem, real number line, the plane functions, conics, polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, polar and parametric functions, sequences and series, limits and rates of change. Technology will play a large part in this course, especially the use of hand-held graphing calculators. This college preparatory math course is designed for students who seek to meet admission requirements for state universities.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: Dual Enrollment Tuition Exam fees
AP/Dual Enrollment Calculus 1
This course will center around the foundational concepts of calculus: limits, derivatives, and integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. These concepts will be developed through mathematical practices for AP Calculus: (1) Reasoning with definitions and theorems; (2) Connecting concepts; (3)
Implementing algebraic/computational processes; (4) Connecting multiple representations; (5) Building notational fluency; and (6) Communicating. This course is designed to prepare students to successfully complete the Advanced Placement Exam. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP
Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam \ Dual Enrollment Tuition Exam fees
AP/Dual Enrollment Calculus 2
AP Calculus BC is an introductory college-level calculus course. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically,
numerically, analytically, and verbally and using definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam \ Dual Enrollment Tuition Exam fees
Dual Enrollment Calculus 3
Calculus III covers parametric equations and polar coordinates, vectors, functions of several variables, multiple integrations, and second-order differential equations.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: Dual Enrollment Tuition Exam fees
Social Studies
*All students enrolled in a history class participate in the annual San Tan Cultural Fair.
American Government & Politics
Students will have an understanding of our constitutional principles as it relates to executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Students study such topics as political parties, law, citizens’ liberties and responsibilities, federalism, media, and foreign affairs.
AP Government
AP U.S. Government and Politics is an introductory college-level course in U.S. government and politics. Students cultivate their understanding of U.S. government and politics through analysis of data and
text-based sources as they explore topics like constitutionalism, liberty and order, civic participation in a representative democracy, competing policy-making interests, and methods of political analysis. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam \ Dual Enrollment Tuition Exam fees
American (US) History
Students will, with appropriate textbook and supplemental readings in the form of documents and essays, provides both chronological and thematic coverage of American History. Emphasis is placed on political history, foreign affairs, and economic and social development, including literary and cultural history.
AP/Dual Enrollment US History
This college-level course covers the major themes of U.S. history from settlement to contemporary times with an emphasis on American identity, economic and social life, political change and continuity, and the
U.S. role in the world. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam \ Dual Enrollment Tuition Exam fees
Students will cover the economic conditions and policies that affect our daily lives. Issues such as inflation, recession, unemployment, the national debt, and personal economic decisions are discussed. The course provides an opportunity to compare other economic systems and how changes affect the global economy (i.e., trade).
AP Macroeconomics
AP Macroeconomics is an introductory college-level macroeconomics course. Students cultivate their understanding of the principles that apply to an economic system as a whole by using principles and models to describe economic situations and predict and explain outcomes with graphs, charts, and data as they explore concepts like economic measurements, markets, macroeconomic models, and macroeconomic policies. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam fees
World History/Geography
Students will study the development of mankind through such topics as geography, early civilizations, Middle Ages, the Reformation and the modern world with an emphasis on Western Civilization. Discussions will include the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
AP/Dual Enrollment World History
AP World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course. Students cultivate their understanding of world history from c. 1200 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like
humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation. Students registered for this class
are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam fees
*All students enrolled in a science class participate in the annual San Tan SciFest each year.
Biology I
Students will learn the general spectrum of biology. It includes laboratory procedures and investigations. An average of one day per week will be devoted to lab work. Students may be expected to complete one or more projects per quarter.
AP Biology
AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics like evolution, energetics, information storage and transfer, and system interactions. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam fees
Students will use experiments to introduce the principles of chemistry. These experiments will introduce the principles of chemistry. Students will be required to keep a lab notebook and may be required to do several projects as part of the class. A minimum of one day per week will be devoted to laboratory studies.
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry is an introductory college-level chemistry course. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based lab investigations as they explore the four Big Ideas: scale, proportion, and quantity; structure and properties of substances; transformations; and energy. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam fees
Earth Science
This course will be a study of the earth and its environment and the earth as an object in space. Major topics include: astronomy, geology, weather, and map reading. Students will be expected to write term papers and perform applied mathematical problems related to earth science.
Students will focus on the physical nature of our world. The class involves frequent labs with appropriate reports. Topics may include mechanics, electricity and magnetism, wave propagation, energy and modern physics. Research projects may be required.
AP Physics
AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through classroom study, in-class activity, and hands-on, inquiry-based laboratory work as they explore concepts like systems, fields, force interactions, change, conservation,
and waves. Students registered for this class are expected to take the AP Exam in May.
Note: This is a weighted course. Fees: AP Exam fees
Advanced Placement
Course content, pace, and academic rigor is college level as adopted by the College Board program and is geared to enable students to pass the AP test. These courses provide credit toward high school graduation and students earn an additional grade point according to the weighted grade process. Check with prospective colleges regarding their AP credit policies. AP Testing fees apply.
Contact the Guidance Center for criteria and applications.
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus 1 & 2
- AP Chemistry
- AP English Language
- AP English Literature
- AP Government
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Physics
- AP U.S. History
- AP World History
Dual or Concurrent College Classes
Dual credit or concurrent credit classes are classes that are offered by Chandler Gilbert Community College on the Power Campus, online and at the CGCC campuses. These are college level classes that receive both college and high school credit. Students enrolled in these classes must meet both the expectations of the high school and the community college including any prerequisites and/or testing.
Please see the community college and/or our guidance office for additional details. Course fees and college tuition apply.