Gifted Information
San Tan Charter believes that an early identification of giftedness is best. Prior to identification, most gifted students face a daily academic and social struggle that can impede their emotional, creative and intellectual development. It is essential to bring these students into the Gifted Program early, so that appropriate instructional methodologies can be employed to assist their personal development. San Tan implements a multi-faceted approach for gifted identification.
Gifted Identification Process and Placement
Requests and Referrals
The Gifted Testing Recommendation form is emailed to all parents, downloadable, available in the offices, and accessible from the student’s teachers. The recommendation form is designed to help parents and the gifted team decides if the child is suited for the gifted program. By signing the form and returning it to school, the student will be considered for testing at the next testing session for his/her grade. Requests and referrals for gifted testing can be accomplished in many ways.
Screening potential candidates for participation in the Gifted Education Program shall be as follows:
- Any parent or staff member may refer the student to the classroom teacher or Principal who then will use the following guidelines as a basis for student referral for evaluation:
- The individual making the referral for evaluation shall use the ‘Parent/Teacher Referral’ form as part of the referral process.
- Individual referrals for evaluation shall be submitted to the school’s Gifted Team for review.
- The Data Review Team reviews data and determines if there is enough data to place the student in the gifted program or if a referral for further evaluation should be made.
- Upon receipt of the signed ‘Parent Recommendation’ form, the student shall participate in the next Gifted testing session.

Grade Level Screening
To assist in catching unidentified students, San Tan tests all students in a single grade level using the CogAT once a year.
Identification Process
The Gifted Team, shall upon receipt of signed consent, conduct formal evaluations using state-approved assessment tools and other data collected to determine if a student is eligible for services as a “Gifted Student”.
The school psychologist, or other qualified individuals, may use any or all of the following tools to evaluate the student.
- CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)
- WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)
- Universal Nonverbal Test of Intelligence
- Student grades
- Gifted characteristics checklist
- Student/teacher/parent input
Upon completion of the evaluation, the Team will meet and review the results to determine eligibility. If the student is eligible the team will determine the appropriate services for the student’s needs. Parents are an important part of this team.
Qualification and Placement
Testing at San Tan Charter School
San Tan Charter School adheres to the Arizona State Mandate for Gifted Education which requires gifted education services to be offered to all students in grades K through 12 who score at or above the 97th percentile in one category or 95th percentile in two or more categories of verbal, quantitative, and/or nonverbal battery using the Arizona State-Approved Gifted Test List.
San Tan Charter School administers a state-approved test (Cognitive Abilities Test) annually. San Tan Charter provides a screening for all second graders, unless they decline testing, at mid-year to determine qualification for the self-contained gifted program.
Parents are welcome to request their child be tested, the cost is $50.00. Referrals for students with handicapping conditions or limited English proficiencies may be processed by a school level multi-disciplinary team. Formal evaluation may occur only after the administration has received written approval from a student’s parent or guardian.
Acceptance of scores from other schools
Individually administered FSIQ tests (Signed Woodcock-Johnson, Stanford-Binet, etc.) and the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will be the only assessments accepted as evidence of qualification for the gifted program. On these assessments students must; be in the 97th or above the 97th percentile in one category or 95th percentile in two or more categories to be considered for provisional placement, or have an FSIQ score of 130 or greater.
The following assessments will be accepted as proof students should be tested using the CogAT at the next available testing session, but not immediate entrance into the program: Naglieri Nonverbal Assessment, Raven’s Progressive Matrices, or Johns Hopkins Acceptance.
Scores will only be accepted from other schools if the assessment was given prior to the student enrolling. Scores will not be accepted from other schools once the student has enrolled at San Tan.
Parent Notification
Upon identification as a Gifted Student, the student and/or parent(s) will receive an invitation to participate in the Gifted Education Program. The Gifted team, consisting of student, parent, classroom teacher, school principal or designee, and other service providers as appropriate shall meet to determine the services required to ensure the student will maximize their potential.
Parents are welcome to schedule a conference with the Gifted Coordinator to discuss their student’s test results within 30 days of the assessment.

Download and complete the Parent Recommendation for Gifted Testing Form to begin the Gifted Testing process.
Download the Gifted Program Policy to learn about the gifted testing process, requirements, and review frequently asked questions.